TrueType Computer Modern Fonts for TeX
These TrueType (.dfont) TeX fonts for the Macintosh address a problem that occurs when previewing DVI files
the BlueSky Type 1 CM/PS fonts in Andrew Trevorrow’s OzTeX. The problem is a result of
the OS X Type 1 font renderer making incorrect glyph substitutions—for instance, Ø in place of the fi ligature.
Before installing these fonts, remove the old Type 1 CM/PS fonts (suitcases and printer fonts) from your fonts folder.
Panther note: The hidden versions of these fonts do not work properly in Mac OS X 10.3.
Currently there is no work-around other than to use the visible versions.
Click on one of the links below to download the fonts. One .sit archive (2.4M) contains all the fonts.
Hidden: CMdfontsH.sit
Visible: CMdfontsV.sit
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